Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dark Times

So it has come to this.  I have too many enemies and I will have to resort to extreme measures! I know that I will have to live with my actions but I know that I cannot be pushed anymore.  So I am putting you on notice!  You have created your own end.

I will now train my cats to be ninja assassins!!!!

Watch your back and keep one eye open when you sleep! 

When you wake up this face of evil will be the last thing you see. 

My ninjas Kiki and Lala will be there!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Meet Kiki and Lala!

Suck it!

Yes and so what

You may be asking, "What does this guy have to share"?
"Is this going to be another blog from a sad lonely man with cats, showing me stupid pictures of his cats and relating stories about those said cats thinking he is artistic"!
Why yes it is what are you fucking psychic? Look let's not fight! I barely know you. This is no way to start off a blog. Just know that cat pictures are coming!

Dammit Think of Something

Ive been looking at this blog for years now and have been waiting to encapsulize an amazing witty moment from my life.  I realize now I have none.  So I will simply make this a journal of my life after being kicked in the nuts by life. I make one request of my reader.  Please don't take anything I say or do seriously.  I never do.